วันอังคารที่ 1 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2551

Using Sun Rays To Generate Hydrogen As Fuel For Your Car by GARKO NOVIS

This is more scientific than any of my other articles. There is a reward at the end if you can make it through. Honestly, you can skip over if you don’t care about the science stuff. It’s only there as examples to illustrate a point only. What point? Will tell you later…. Penn State scientists have developed a proof-of-concept device that can use Solar power to split water and produce recoverable hydrogen. So far, experiments have not yet been successful in creating a perpetual solution. The method it uses also generally has a higher cost than splitting water with electricity. One source of trouble is that once produced, hydrogen and oxygen easily get back together again (unlike the Beatles or me and my ex). When visible lightwaves hit a dye in the water, the chemical release of energy excites electrons in the dye, and this, with the help of the catalyst, divides the water molecule. The experimenters impregnated a titanium dioxide electrode with the catalyst. They submerged the electrodes in a salt solution, but held them separate them from one another to keep the hydrogen and oxygen from getting back together again (gotta keep an eye on those two)!. All that is required then is for light to shine on the titanium dioxide anode for the system to work. This type of cell is of a similar kind to those that generate electricity, but adding the catalyst facilitates the reaction to split the water into hydrogen and oxygen. The water splitting requires 1.23 volts, and the system as they have it set up currently is just shy of achieving that level so .3 volts is added from another source. As it is currently configured it achieves an efficiency of about 0.3 percent. "Photosynthesis, as it occurs in nature, is only about one to three percent effective," says one of the team members. "Which explains why you can not expect the clippings from your lawn to power your house and your car. The team has an assortment of choices to explore to optimizeimprove the process. They are planning to look into improving the efficiency of the dye, optimizing the catalyt in different ways and adjusting the general geometry of the system. "At every point in the process, we have choices," said another team member. "The situation we are confronting is how to get the electrons to stay in the proper path and not shoot their wad and go down to ground state without doing any work." Ok, here is the lollipop! What is most fascinating to me about all this is that we already have the problem solved with electrolysis in the Water4Gas system, so they are pretty much reinventing the wheel. It might be fun but how does it help anybody? A much better use of their time would be to help us at Water4Gas push forward what we have already established! WATER4GAS is providing information for a nominal fee which individuals can use in their garage or wherever to put together a small device which instills hydrogen into the gas/air mixture that their car runs on. The process makes smaller particles out of the ones that the system burns as fuel. Therefore the system gets to use much more of the gasoline. By doing this you can minimumly expect to improve your fuel performance by 30-50% or significantly more. Those goblets "musta" been pretty darn huge in some systems before. But with W4G they are made consumable so you can improve your fuel performance. It also helps make emissions substantially cleaner. This package of info has been purchased by over NINE THOUSAND car owners already and happy members number about 99%! So how about you?
