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Sun's Solar Storm Coming 2012 by Kellie Hastings

Sun's Calm Before the Storm
The universal wonder of deep space the magnificence of the sun should be respected as it will eventually transform and disperse its unique balance of life giving properties. And contrary to history archives of what the wrath of nature can do to our planet there is a new apprehension growing amongst today's scientists and it doesn't include the unpredictable behaviour of our planet earth.
A team of researchers from The National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) officially concluded its findings March 10 2006. According to them, sunspots on the sun have literally vanished, solar flares are currently non-existent and the sun is completely quiet. And as most often say, this is like the quiet before the storm. The Solar Minimum has begun. The most powerful solar maximum in fifty years will originate from this solar storm. The next sunspot will be up to 50% stronger than its previous predecessor. And if this approximation is correct, within the next several years the rupture of solar activity will begin. The Solar Max storm of 1958 was called a solar maximum.
However, back then cell phones were non-existent along with all the modern technology of today. But the three sightings of northern lights in Mexico were what spurred an interest and people soon realized something was happening.
One can only wonder the effects of such a storm and what it can bring today. We all gaze at the sun's docile appearance as it descends downward in its nightly ritual only to re-surface on the earths opposite side. And we all take pleasure in the light of the sun's return. I suppose docile is not the correct word to describe the power of this massive star or its destructive behaviour it can impose upon our planet. Today a similar maximum would dramatically affect weather satellites, cell phones, computers and other technologies. Kpati of (NCAR) realized the mystery after two-centuries since the 11 year sunspot cycle was discovered, while scientists struggled to predict the size of future maxima and failed. In 1805 the Solar Maxima was barley measurable yet; in 1958 it was quite intense Therefore, the answer to an aging mystery is a conveyor belt on the sun which is similar to the Great Ocean Conveyor Belt here on Earth.
However, unlike the earth's conveyor belt which is currents carrying water, the sun's conveyor belt is a current of electrically-conducting gas. And moving in spherical form it travels from the sun's equator to the poles then back again. While the Ocean Conveyor Belt here controls Earths weather, this solar conveyor belt on the sun does the same thing exclusive to the sunspot cycle.
The lifespan of the average sunspot is typically a few weeks and upon its so called death it decays leaving in its wake weakened magnetic fields. Consisting of abnormal knots with magnetic pull sunspots are produced by energy from the suns inner core. The function of this conveyor is to skim over the sun's surface in its gathering of the magnetic fields of the dead, dead sunspots. In the course of their demise they are then drawn to the poles. Here, energy from the inner core of the sun can then strengthen them giving them buoyancy to float back to the surface as new sunspots. (Solar physicist David Hathaway NSSTC)
A very interesting and uneventful process however, this is the basis used to form predictions and 30 to 50 years can pass while the belt will only complete one loop. A 30 year cycle however means abundant supplies of magnetic fields were gathered resulting in a more intense sunspot cycle creating larger sunspots. This happened from 1986 thru 1996. Thus, by the years 2010 thru 2011 that sunspot cycle will be intense. But according to the conveyor belt model some believe the next solar maximum will be dozy while others believe it will arrive around 2010, two years early. And although history has proven large sunspot cycles raise faster the first sunspots of our future cycle should appear in the later halves of 2006 or 2007.
The difference this time though is not how large they are or how intense the storm will be. This storm will create new concerns, new worries and new fears in relation to all our modern technology. The billions of signals saturating our airwaves all come from technological origins. And the impact this can have on weather, transportation, communication, computer systems and more is where the real storm will lie. Kellie Hastings 2007 www.freewebs.com/skilled-writer

About the Author
Freelance researcher and writer of articles pertaining to health, anit aging, aging, pollution, public awareness, human philosophy. Read Deadly Facts About Drive-thru Mania, FDA Deception for Control and Money and Aliens and humans-Linked at http://www.freewebs.com/skilled-writer Kellie Hastings

Is Solar Energy a Reliable and Practical Source of Electrical Power? by Martin Barwise

You have probably heard it said by environmental groups that we should switch to solar energy as a power source because it is free, there is an unlimited supply, and it is a cleaner source of electrical power because there are no by-products (compared to fossil fuels like oil and gas which release greenhouse gases into the earth's atmosphere when burned for power.) However, can solar energy be a reliable and practical source of electrical power indeed?
When we use the term solar power nowadays, it usually refers to man-made technologies that rely on the flow of sunlight from our sun to create electricity or even mechanical power. Early pioneers in the conversion of solar power into usable forms of power were Auguste Mouchout, Frank Shuman, Charles Tellier, and John Ericksson. But the real breakthrough in conversion of solar power into pure electricity was achieved by the Bell Laboratories research team when they created the solar cell. Other people have been able to build on this development so that solar cells now have an efficiency of more than 40% and their prices have fallen to not more than $3 per watt.
Solar power technology is categorized as either being active solar, passive solar, direct solar, or indirect solar. One way solar power is directly used nowadays is to heat water for households. Solar power has an efficiency level of up to 86% when it is applied for creating hot water, which makes it a very attractive option for countries with cold climates where people find it hard to survive without hot water. Another way solar power directly affects our lives is when solar cells are integrated into everyday electronic gadgets such as calculators, or as a steady source of power for satellites in orbit around the earth. Households can now have solar panels installed on their roofs so that they can take advantage of sunlight to power their home. However, the demand for solar panels may be affected because of the shortage of refined silicon supplies.
The more cost-effective solution for large-scale use of solar power for power generation needs is construction of solar power plants. Solar power plants may either be of the older type of concentrating solar thermal power plant or the newer multi-megawatt photovoltaic facilities. The first kind, which relies on concentrating solar thermal technology, basically relies on mirrors or lenses to direct sunlight into a much smaller area of focus. However, this type of solar power technology can be disadvantageous to rely on when skies are overcast and there is little direct sunlight.
It is also interesting that solar power can also be used nowadays to power light vehicles. Proof of this is the biannual World Solar Challenge in Australia, where solar cars developed by researchers from both industry and universities have been able to reach speeds of up to 100 kilometers per hour during the race itself. Which is not bad, considering the speed limit for South Australia where the race is conducted is set at 110 kilometers per hour.
A very practical usage of solar power is to disinfect water supplies so that they become drinkable. Water can be disinfected either through solar water pasteurization or through solar water disinfection. Solar water pasteurization relies on solar power to make the pasteurization process work, involving sustaining application of heat to water for a certain period of time so that water temperatures stay within the 60 degrees to 70 degrees Celsius range. Solar water disinfection is a less intense use of solar power because the water is aerated first by vigorous shaking in a container which is then left to be exposed to direct sunlight.
All these uses of solar power indicate that eventually solar power may become a widespread source of power not just for large enterprises but also for the average human household. All that is required is for people to be able to afford the technology and its upkeep for solar power to become a practical and dependable source of power on a daily basis.

About the Author
Green Store UK sells eco friendly gifts and energy saving gadgets. We have various energy saving gadgets such as the Smart Adapter which is a remote control plug set which enables you to quickly and easily turn off electric items off standby.

Solar Electricity Is Very Popular by Frank Vanderlugt

Solar electricity has attained great popularity over the years. It has worked towards saving a lot of energy and electricity. It is created via utilizing photovoltaic (PV) technology. It converts solar energy into solar electricity from sunlight. Photovoltaic systems utilize sunlight in order to power electrical equipments such as household appliances, lighting and computer. The best fact is that photovoltaic (PV) process utilizes free solar energy. This process converts solar energy into solar power. Here, we are not talking about the solar electricity thermal technology that's utilized for hot water production and space heating.
There are two or more thin layers of semi-conducting material in a PV cell. This is silicon. Once the silicon is exposed to light, electric charges are produced and this can be easily conducted away by metal contacts as direct current or DC. The output that comes from a single cell is very small. Hence, many cells together are connected together and then encapsulated in order to form a module. The PV module is the principle building block of a PV system. One can connect as many modules as desired in order to produce the desired electrical output. The PV equipment does not contain any moving parts and requires very little maintenance. It produces solar electricity without the need to produce green house emission or any other gases. The operation is silent.
PV technology is ideally suited to be utilized on buildings. They provide pollution free solar power. There is no noise during the operation and the process requires little space.
Photovoltaics are widely used on buildings in the United Kingdom. There are several ways; PV systems can be incorporated in to buildings. The best place to use PV systems is sloping rooftop. Here the modules can simply be mounted via using frames. One can also incorporate photovoltaic systems into the actual building fabric. For instance, PV roof tiles are widely available these days. These can be easily fitted into standard tiles.
Solar electricity can save your money. When it comes to the rural areas, the cost of obtaining electricity from the nearest power grid is much more than that of drawing electricity from solar panel power. The surprising factor is that the gap is increasing at a fast pace. Solar energy is also an excellent source of backup power when it comes to fighting blackout or emergencies.
The actual cost of solar panel power per kilowatt hour is about $0.55 per kwt as compared to $0.05 for wind or $0.06 for micro-hydroelectric. This is quite cheaper than paying Power Company.
In case, you want to install solar panel at your home, you need to make a good amount of up-front investment. The may sound costly but it really works. It works towards saving a lot of money and electricity on your part.
Solar electricity also ensures a clear environment. It decreases the pollution and also reduces the depletion of natural sources. You would benefit a lot by using solar electricity in your home.

About the Author
frank j vanderlugt owns and operates http://www.solar-power-2007.com Solar Power

Solar Battery Charger - Why Do You Need One by Joseph Then

Everyone has ran into a problem where they need to charge a battery but they have no ability to do so. Be that they are away from an electrical source or they simply cannot get to their charger. This can be frustrating. In comes the solar battery charger that allow you more independence when it comes to charging your batteries. You are no longer tied down to a power point and it will help you, especially those who are considered the "road warriors".
Almost everyone these days has a cell phone. It can be quite a nuisance when the battery goes dead and you can not get to your battery charger. The option of a solar battery charger allows you to be able to charge your phone no matter where you are. The same can be said for other batteries that need charged.
Solar battery chargers are great for when you are camping or on a road trip. Instead of being tied up to a traditional charger that limits you due to the cord, you can be free with a solar battery charger. This charger will simply work off the free energy from the sun. There are even some models that will charge using any light source, even a lamp.
Perhaps one of the best things about this battery charger is that it is free to operate. You are not paying a dime to use the solar energy. Many people do not even know that leaving a conventional battery charger plugged in, even if it is not charging a phone, can cost quite a bit over a years time in energy costs. That means you are throwing money away. Try out a solar battery charger and you can keep that extra money in your pocket where it belongs.
A solar battery charger can be used for more then cell phones, though. They have greatly improved technology that allows them to be used for almost anything a traditional battery charger can be used for. You are not limited. Give a solar battery charger a try and see what a difference it makes.
Solar battery chargers offer you a lot over traditional chargers. You are not tied down. You can enjoy whatever you are doing without having to be tied up to a charger. Do not be a slave to a battery charger. Take control and start using solar power to help you get a handle on your battery charging needs.

About the Author
Learn how you can save money and save the Earth by using the infinite source of energy: Solar Energy. You can find more information at Joseph's website at http://www.mysolarenergyathome.com as he expounds on Solar Battery Charger

Solar Power Your Wireless Laptop and Go Green by Michael Beck

Solar power for remote computing is finally catching on. It is working for everyone from the cross-country cyclist and weekend camper, to regular working stiffs that have to rough it on the job.
Many mobile computer users are going "green" with their lappies on the road. Extreme, or remote computing no longer seems too far fetched. Many professionals enjoy rugged recreational activities, but have to stay wired to the job or business.
Solar power is not just a possibility, but could be a necessity for those that go remote. Solar panels are used to collect solar energy for direct use or storage in batteries to power up later.
Here is how solar, or photovoltaic energy is realized from the "How Stuff Works" website. If you are not an electrical engineer or scientist of some sort, don't be surprised if this does make light bulbs go off in your head. You can always come back and do further research on the Internet.
"The solar cells that you see on calculators and satellites are photovoltaic cells or modules (modules are simply a group of cells electrically connected and packaged in one frame). Photovoltaics, as the word implies (photo = light, voltaic = electricity), convert sunlight directly into electricity. Once used almost exclusively in space, photovoltaics are used more and more in less exotic ways. They could even power your house. How do these devices work?
Photovoltaic (PV) cells are made of special materials called semiconductors such as silicon, which is currently the most commonly used. Basically, when light strikes the cell, a certain portion of it is absorbed within the semiconductor material. This means that the energy of the absorbed light is transferred to the semiconductor. The energy knocks electrons loose, allowing them to flow freely. PV cells also all have one or more electric fields that act to force electrons freed by light absorption to flow in a certain direction. This flow of electrons is a current, and by placing metal contacts on the top and bottom of the PV cell, we can draw that current off to use externally. For example, the current can power a calculator. This current, together with the cell's voltage (which is a result of its built-in electric field or fields), defines the power (or wattage) that the solar cell can produce."
To continue, we will discuss the smaller hand held devices for cell phones and PDAs, all the way to powerful self-contained and fully remote commercial solar systems. Here are several links that describe the use of solar power for mobile computers and other wireless devices from the Do-It-Yourself perspective.
How-To-Green-Your-Electronics http://www.treehugger.com/files/2007/03/how-to-green-your-electronics.php
DIY Solar System for $180 http://blogs.experience.com/Patrick/2007/01/portable-solar-power-for-1_.html
How To - Laptop Solar Power http://rmowe.home.att.net/photovoltaic.html
Hand Held Solar Kits Solar kits are designed to be self-contained. They combine solar cells, rechargeable batteries, and a wide selection of cables. These won't power a portable laptop yet unless it's a miser on energy, but they will keep you connected with a limitless power supply for your cell phones, Smart phones, PDAs, and smaller devices. As long as the sun is shining, or the batteries are charged up, you will have power.
Many purists will argue anything solar is not really "green", either because it will never be energy positive (will never generate more power than it took to manufacture), or because it has a battery, making it environmentally unfriendly by default.
Arguments aside, at issue for rugged and remote users is a reliable power source, and having some sense of being connected. So, solar charging devices can be considered either as "convenience efficient" or "emergency efficient". Don't take this as a challenge to engineer types that will want to get their slide rules out, just a notation that these solar kits are an honest attempt at the "plus" column for reducing the human carbon footprint. Wider adoption and acceptance of new technology usually results in greater efficiencies.
Two promising examples that have had good reviews are the reasonably affordable products from Solar Style Dot Com, and the pricier Solio Dot Com. Do a search on YouTube and you will find many videos of Solio in action. If it did not work, we would know it by now.
Portable Solar Power Docking Stations
The idea of using solar power in remote situations is nothing new. The question for us is how well, and how fast, a solar power station will power up your notebook or laptop. Other considerations are the size, weight, and portability. You will find many products in this category, but few online reviews that confirm that these products will actually perform as advertised. The best source I have found for honest reviews in this regard is TreeHugger.com.
There are very few winners in the category of a portable solar power docking station to efficiently run a laptop computer. One that does get good reviews on the subject is the "PowerDock System".
Do an online search for PowerDock System, and you will find many retailers and dealers at different price points. So be patient and shop around. Your Mobile Desk Dot Com is the best resource for a complete descriptions of the PowerDock product line. These include from the least expensive to the most expensive: PowerDock Lite, PowerDock Basic. PowerDock Executive, and PowerDock Elite.
Power Dock Systems are relatively expensive, and range in price form a few hundred dollars on up to $450.00. The PowerDock is an attractive product design and weighs in form 5 to 13.5 pounds.
Another potential winner is the Notepower Solar Laptop Charger from Sierra Solar Systems. You will see the Notepower Solar Charger pop up along with the PowerDock in a search engine query for these type of solar products. Plug in the SmartAdapter with the extended 10 foot cord included, and start charging or topping off your computer battery as long as sunshine is available.
Once again, this is not a review recommendation, but the Notepower has had favorable comments by TreeHugger.com and other reliable sources, giving no pause to mention it here. The 3 lb. Notepower is not designed with a storage battery, but the 20-30 watts of power will charge and run most laptop computers, according to the specs.
You may not consider the Notepower as a true solar docking station, but it is an attractive portable solar package for a temporary power solution. Originally priced around $250.00.
Commercial and Military Grade Solar Power Systems
Some of the best remote solar power systems are designed to meet military standards. You could even say that anything designed for military use is pretty much guaranteed to perform. These systems will compliment anything in the fully rugged notebook computer category.
Energy Technologies, Inc. in Ohio, USA makes a wide assortment of military standard power equipment for field use. Things like field deployable inverters, converters, UPS, engine-generators, along with solar power stations with the trade name Tactical Solar Products.
The product features for these Tactical Solar Products include various combinations of charge controllers, power storage batteries, AC/DC power adapters, multiple DC outputs, and a large selection of folding solar panels. The specific product line is the Solar Suitcase I, Solar Suitcase II, Solar Suitcase III, Solar Suitcase IV, along with the folding SolarTacticalPanels.
Solar Suitcases I-IV can charge Lead Acid, Li-Ion, NiCad, NiMH & other types of rechargeable batteries. The nearly bullet proof folding solar collection panels are available from a 15 Watt to a hefty 330 Watt output panel set. This is "green power", but you are out of luck if you prefer a color other than the two camouflage patterns available.
You will have to call ETI for costs, as product pricing is not published on the ETI websites.
Computing Solar Power Wrap-up
We have looked at several of the many possibilities for solar power, and going "green" with remote computing. The possibilities are becoming more reliable and starting to make more economic sense. You can try to go solar and Do-It-Yourself, or for the less technically inclined there is a wide range of retail and commercial applications for sale. We have attempted to highlight a few of the proven DIY options, and find some of the readily available products, and systems from various online reviews.
Here are a few solar power resource websites you may want to keep an eye on: Altapower.com, RadioLabs.com, and CTSolar.com. You are sure to find more now and in the future with your online searches. Amazing products are already available and in the marketplace for solar power options. As energy costs and energy conservation continue to gain interest as mainstream issues, we should see rapid development of solar integrated design features. Soon it may be a standard feature and part of everyday portable computers.
Let's hope solar power catches on with everyone, not just those using rugged notebooks and remote computing,

About the Author
Michael Beck is a blogger, author and a digital nomad. He writes The Digital Nomads Blog and The Rugged Notebooks Blog, and contributes to other blogs that deal with the paradigm shift to mobility and wireless technology, including: http://www.ruggednotebooksblog.com, http://digital-nomads.blogspot.com, http://soho-quest.blogspot.com, http://sovereign-journey.blogspot.com

Solar Cell Roofing: Energy producing shingles that look like a normal roof by Alan Jacobson

Solar cell roofing made from solar shingles or solar panels is being increasingly incorporated into the construction of new residential and commercial buildings. In many areas, people are choosing to replace their conventional roof with a solar roof when it is time for maintenance. And most of these people would tell you that the long-term value, or short-term increase is resale interest, made it worthwhile. A solar cell roof is called "buiulding integrated", also known by the more complete name "building integrated photovoltaic" (BIPV). BIPV suggests that you would have needed that part of the structure built anyway, and you've chosen to use material that will also serve the purpose of generating power through solar energy. The first advantage of solar cell shingles or panels on the roof is obvious: some of the initial cost is paid by lowering the overall material and labor costs involved in the construction. The second advantage is that the BIPV does not stand out - it is a normal and expected part of the design and structure of the building. These two advantages often make bipv solar roofing the clear choice over rooftop wind turbines, raised solar panels, and backyard windmills which both stand out and cost a lot more to build and install. In some parts of the world, often due to government subsidies, many new houses are built with solar roofs. Until recently, this was not the case in the U.S., UK, and much of Europe because the cost remained prohibitive. However, with the invention of what is called "thin film solar technology", solar roofing tiles, panels and shingles have become easier to fabricate and work with and are much more aesthetically pleasing. This technology is best for pitched roofs where shingles or small tiles are the norm. Large flat roofs, such as the tops of many commercial buildings, can have one giant layer of solar film, or large integrated panels. Solar cell roofs can be hooked up in two ways - on and off the grid. Off the grid solar power means that you will use the energy you gain from the solar panels and either not be connected at all to the electric company or connected in a way that is completely parallel and unrelated. Off grid appliactions might be appropriate for houses that are far from electric power lines but get enough sunlight to be completely solar, houses with combination systems with other renewable energy systems, or houses in places that get little sun so it would be unlikely that the solar power generated would ever be more than the house requires. On grid systems are hooked in with your conventional electric supply, and when the solar power system generates more electricity than you need, it actually sells it back to the power company. Your meter literally spins backwards and you can get a zero bill or even a check in the mail instead of a bill. There is some debate among real estate developers, but the general rule is that any renewable energy source for the home pays off if it returns your original installation investment in ten years or less through energy savings. The invention and perfection of integrated thin film solar roofs has led to us rapidly approaching that return, and possibly even outdistancing it depending on where you live. There are four things to consider when looking into a solar cell roof: 1. How much sun does your area get each year, independent of the outside temperature? 2. Where does your roof face - ideally it would face east/west of it is a slanted roof? 3. What is the cost now, and projected cost of electricity where you are? 4. What is the general attitude of home buyers in your area to renewables (especially if you might sell your home within 10 years)? If you do choose solar cell roofing for your home or buisiness you will likely be pleasantly surprised at the effeiciency, cost, and savings associated with BIPV.

About the Author
For more information about solar cell roofing, please see http://www.solarcellroof.net. For specific inforamtion about solar cell shingles see http://www.solarcellshingles.com, and for information about thin film technology, please see http://www.thinfilmsolar.net

Corporations Seriously Looking at Alternative Energy by John Kuzniar

In his new music video for the movie "American Gangster," best selling rapper Jay-Z flaunts the euro, not the dollar, to showcase his wealth.
Recently when asked "What is the best currency in the world to own right now?", billionaire Warren Buffet replied, "Not the u.S. dollar."
It was recently reported that supermodel Gisele Bundchen refused to be paid in U.S. dollars, because of uncertainty over its strength. She instead, asked to be paid in euros.
The examples above speak volumes about what many people with money, lots of money, think about the value of today's dollar. And many of them are beginning to hedge their bets with respect to the dollar. But what does all of this have to do with renewable energy resources?
If the dollar continues to be weak against other currencies, it will produce many unpredictable side effects. But one side effect that is almost certain to happen is a rise in the prices of traditional energy resources. All imports, but specifically oil and gasoline, will become more expensive. The days of $1.20 a gallon for gas are probably gone forever.
Grid Parity and Energy Prices
Grid parity is the point at which it becomes cheaper to produce your own electricity, from photovoltaic cells using solar power, than it is to buy it from power companies off of the electrical grid. As energy prices rise, more and more people will find themselves reaching grid parity.
Until very recently, the prospect of a community reaching grid parity any time soon seemed like a remote possibility. However, as energy prices have risen, some places in the U.S. have already reached that point. As of 2007, Hawaii has reached grid parity with the peak charging rates. Parts of California, particularly Northern California, have reached gird parity as well. As energy prices continue to rise, in large part due to the dollars devaluation, we'll see many more communities reaching grid parity.
But there is also an inverse price relationship happening with solar power and oil. As the price of oil slowly increases, the prices of photovoltaic cells are slowly decreasing. Companies are becoming more efficient at producing solar cells thus enabling them to be sold at lower price points. In addition, the solar cells themselves are becoming more efficient solar collectors, which let's the home or business owner save even more money.
And, of course, other factors pushing us towards greater uses of solar cell technology are the looming worries of global warming and the pressing need to decrease greenhouse gasses being released into the atmosphere.
Are corporations betting on solar power? One such company, SunPower, which makes photovoltaic panels for businesses, expects to pull in over one billion dollars in sales next year. Solar Power Inc. had revenues of over 8 million dollars in it's third quarter alone. Solar power companies in foreign countries such as Germany, Japan, and China have ramped up their solar power production facilities dramatically in the past few years.
For the past several years the U.S. has been borrowing money with reckless abandon. We have a national debt of over 9 trillion dollars. Now, the rest of the world is slowly deciding that they no longer want to bankroll us. For us, that means a continued low valued dollar and increased energy costs.

About the Author
John Kuzniar is a freelance writer who writes articles relating to choosing solar power fountain pumps and other energy saving resources and tips. Visit his site at http://www.solarpowerfamily.com .

Agreeable Solar Power Technology by Vince Paxton

Everything we do requires electricity most of this comes from burning coal which has very damaging effects to the environment. In order to slow down the effects of global warming people are frantically searching for alternative ways to satisfy our thirst for power. Solar power is the best way we have to do this at the moment, everyone even homeowners are calling for improvements in this technology.
New technology that affects solar panels is being created all the time. All of these little advancements add up to become something much more important.
Electricity in the Past
Humans are designed to love new things, this causes priorities to change. When the priorities of the public change businesses will start to produce different things. The money, resources and ideas all go into satisfying what people want.
During the Industrial revolution for example the priorities focused on mass producing products. During the last 20 years however the main priority has been computers. Computers are actually very helpful, and we could even say that without computers we might still know nothing about global warming.
PC + Solar Power?
The solar power industry is actually following the PC industry quite accurately. The very first computers were the size of a whole room, and didn't really do anything other than work out sums. However now you can get a really small cell phone that has more processing power than those early computers. Silicon chips have made it possible to get more and more power inside a smaller space.
The state of the art solar panels are using silicon to produce the panels. The cells that are contained in these solar panels are normally crystalline silicon. These individual cells are shrinking all the time and becoming cheaper to produce. There are also alternative uses for these solar panels, in calculators for example. Solar panels can also be rolled up because they are becoming flexible. Technology truly is amazing!
Solar panels certainly aren't the work of science fiction. They are used pretty much everywhere these days. With the continuous advancements of the industry it won't be long until we all see them attached to our homes. Using a solar panel could be enough to save this planet. Many people are demanding renewable forms of electricity, so why not do something about it yourself?

About the Author
Vince Paxton's newsletters can be discovered on numerous web sites linked to storm protection and home security. Sharing his passion in publications, he proofed his knowledge on themes dealing with casement replacement windows and storm protection.

Appealing Solar Power Systems for all your Electrical Needs! by Eric Slarkowski

Everything nowadays has a computer in it, even my car apparently has a computer that tells it... well something. Another thing most things seem to have are batteries. Batteries are horrible little things that provide power for phones, PDA's, MP3 players and other devices that I can't be bothered to mention! The actual electrical equipment is quite advanced the batteries however are another story! Batteries do not last forever. And as we all know "Energy cannot be created or destroyed", so they must be recharged on a regular basis.
Many Cell Phones come bundled with chargers that plug into your cars cigarette lighter socket, which does make them a little more convenient. However if you're not at home or in the car you're a little stuck really, well that's until now! Have you ever considered solar power to charge your devices?
Solar power is nothing new in fact the military have been using it for quite a number of years in order to charge radios and other electronic gadgetry. Solar cells output electricity at 12 volts which makes it ideal for a number of battery run gadgets. Solar panels are fairly light, and mean that the troops don't have to carry spare batteries in order to make sure the device keeps working.
Solar panels are also ideal for hikers and campers. Most of these hobbies require going away from civilisation, which also means going away from power supplies! Your phone always goes when you really need it, so why not make sure it doesn't by packing a set of solar chargers. Just fold the panels out and aim them at the sun to get the most power.
The Power of the Sun at night?!
You can store the power generated by your solar panels in a battery which can then be used at night to power lighting. A small solar panel is unlikely to provide you with enough power to run appliances off directly, it can be used to charge batteries.
You can link several solar panels together in order to generate more power. However this would also make the system much less portable as it could be very difficult to transport. Many panels come in a protective carrying package, and they are normally very light which means you probably won't notice them.
If you always take loads of spare batteries everywhere you go then perhaps you should consider portable solar systems, they really are an appealing choice! Getting power for nothing is a very rewarding experience!

About the Author
Concentrating recent findings in storm windows, the author works largely for http://www.replacement-windows-tips.com . Sharing his passion in detailed writings, the writer improved his know-how on topics associated with hurricane clip window and storm windows.

Technology Benefits from Solar Power! by Vince Paxton

Everything we do requires electricity most of this comes from burning coal which has very damaging effects to the environment. In order to slow down the effects of global warming people are frantically searching for alternative ways to satisfy our thirst for power. Solar power is the best way we have to do this at the moment, everyone even homeowners are calling for improvements in this technology.
New technology that affects solar panels is being created all the time. All of these little advancements add up to become something much more important.
Electricity in the Past
Humans are designed to love new things, this causes priorities to change. When the priorities of the public change businesses will start to produce different things. The money, resources and ideas all go into satisfying what people want.
During the Industrial revolution for example the priorities focused on mass producing products. During the last 20 years however the main priority has been computers. Computers are actually very helpful, and we could even say that without computers we might still know nothing about global warming.
PC + Solar Power?
The solar power industry is actually following the PC industry quite accurately. The very first computers were the size of a whole room, and didn't really do anything other than work out sums. However now you can get a really small cell phone that has more processing power than those early computers. Silicon chips have made it possible to get more and more power inside a smaller space.
The state of the art solar panels and home windows are using silicon to produce the panels. The cells that are contained in these solar panels are normally crystalline silicon. These individual cells are shrinking all the time and becoming cheaper to produce. There are also alternative uses for these solar panels, in calculators for example. Solar panels can also be rolled up because they are becoming flexible. Technology truly is amazing!
Solar panels certainly aren't the work of science fiction. They are used pretty much everywhere these days. With the continuous advancements of the industry it won't be long until we all see them attached to our homes. Using a solar panel could be enough to save this planet. Many people are demanding renewable forms of electricity, so why not do something about it yourself?

About the Author
Vince Paxton usually writes detailed reports on information on home security and storm protection. His comments on casement replacement windows can be found on his site .

Solar Power can Set your Gadgets Free! by Eric Slarkowski

Everything nowadays has a computer in it, even my car apparently has a computer that tells it... well something. Another thing most things seem to have are batteries. Batteries are horrible little things that provide power for phones, PDA's, MP3 players and other devices that I can't be bothered to mention! The actual electrical equipment is quite advanced the batteries however are another story! Batteries do not last forever. And as we all know "Energy cannot be created or destroyed", so they must be recharged on a regular basis.
Many Cell Phones come bundled with chargers that plug into your cars cigarette lighter socket, which does make them a little more convenient. However if you're not at home or in the car you're a little stuck really, well that's until now! Have you ever considered solar power to charge your devices?
Solar power is nothing new in fact the military have been using it for quite a number of years in order to charge radios and other electronic gadgetry. Solar cells output electricity at 12 volts which makes it ideal for a number of battery run gadgets. Solar panels are fairly light, and mean that the troops don't have to carry spare batteries in order to make sure the device keeps working. hurricane windows replacement tips
Solar panels are also ideal for hikers and campers. Most of these hobbies require going away from civilisation, which also means going away from power supplies! Your phone always goes dead when you really need it, so why not make sure it doesn't by packing a set of solar chargers. Just fold the panels out and aim them at the sun to get the most power.
The Power of the Sun at night?!
You can store the power generated by your solar panels in a battery which can then be used at night to power lighting. A small solar panel is unlikely to provide you with enough power to run appliances off directly, it can be used to charge batteries.
You can link several solar panels together in order to generate more power. However this would also make the system much less portable as it could be very difficult to transport. Many panels come in a protective carrying package, and they are normally very light which means you probably won't notice them.
If you always take loads of spare batteries everywhere you go then perhaps you should consider portable solar systems, they really are an appealing choice! Getting power for nothing is a very rewarding experience!

About the Author
Eric Slarkowski is publishing mostly for http://www.replacement-windows-tips.com/ , a website about storm windows . His contributions on hurricane clip window are found on http://www.replacement-windows-tips.com/hurricane-windows.html .

The Answer Is In The Sun by Oze Parrot

A massive amount of solar power is delivered daily to the Earth in the form of sunrays, which provides energy for all forms of life on Earth, influences the ocean's currents, the wind and prevailing atmospheric conditions. The solar power that is needed to perform these tasks represents only a fraction of the daily quota of available energy, the remainder goes mostly unused.
Solar energy is a free commodity that can be harnessed and converted into a range of valuable products. Because of the depletion of known reserves and the ever increasing costs of conventional energy sources, solar power is becoming more readily accepted as an alternative energy source. Energy from the sun is renewable, sustainable, clean and efficient and in most cases, the solar panel and installation charges, are the only costs involved.
Ancient civilizations relied upon passive solar energy for lighting, heating and ventilation. Their crops were planted in accordance with the sun's movements, and survived because of the photosynthetic process energized by the sun, which synthesizes carbohydrates and releases oxygen into the atmosphere. Because of the discovery of huge deposits of fossil fuels, and to date, their ease of harvesting, the development of solar power has been neglected, mainly because free commodities are difficult to tax.
Owing to the modern development of photovoltaic cells, production costs are decreasing and more and more people are installing PV in order to produce their household electricity. Because the costs of conventional energy are spiraling and PV systems are becoming cheaper, within a few years, installing photovoltaic arrays will be the order of the day.
A single module is enough to run a small appliance, but a household would require a group of arrays, which would form part of the building's roofing material. A solar cell collects electrons and directs them as DC electricity, to a conductor, which is wired to a battery bank to store the charge. As power is drawn from the batteries it passes through an inverter that converts it to AC electricity, making it suitable for domestic use. Solar electricity can be produced and used by individuals or fed into a community grid system.
As fossil fuel reserves are depleted and more sophisticated production methods are needed to maintain adequate supplies, one must not forget that the world's population is growing at an ever increasing rate, thus increasing demand. Put simply, all the easy to get stuff is gone and we are using what is left at an ever increasing rate. Soon, the costs involved in producing conventional energy will be prohibitive.
The answer folks is the sun in the sky.
Harnessing solar energy, gleaned from the sun's rays is not rocket science, actually, employing passive solar energy is common sense. Once a solar hot water service is installed, the house windows are positioned so as to take advantage of the sun's rays, and a photovoltaic array is installed on the roof, you are well on your way to a substantial saving on your energy costs. Not to mention, doing your bit to save the planet.

About the Author
Oze Parrot is an author, publisher and Internet marketing consultant. Formerly a tourist operator and real estate business marketing consultant Location: Queensland, Australia. You may republish this article as long as you include the name of the author and provide an active link to: http://homehunter.erlypro.com/solar/

Finding Appropriate Solar Power Systems by Greg Hansward

There are hundreds of different solar power systems available which are portable, solar power is very popular at the moment. There are a wide range of different types of panels that are offered, this allows you to choose the best one to suit the needs of you and your family. You might for example just need solar panels to power a laptop computer, or you might require one to power your whole house. No matter how much power you need there is a solar panel for your needs.
You can purchase small portable solar panels, and large ones. If you want to use AC electrical equipment when you go camping then you will have to purchase a medium size of solar system. This will be able to cope with running all of the tools you need.
If you are a businessman and travels frequently then you might require a small, light solar power system which can be transported very easily. Although these are small they are capable of running small electrical items including laptops, small TV’s and lights. You can also use the same panels to charge your cell phone. These panels fold up quite small and can even be stored in a backpack.
You can buy small panels that are between 5 watts right up to 30 watts. These are flexible panels that can be rolled up. This is state of the art technology that can be used to charge virtually any battery powered item. Even if it’s not a sunny day the solar panels will be able to generate enough power to charge your batteries. There are a number of battery connections that are included with the panels that can connect to a variety of different gadgets. They are particularly easy to use, and instructions are provided just in case you can’t understand. When using the solar panels you should point them in the direction of the sun.
Powering bigger gadgets with portable solar systems
You can also purchase portable solar systems that are much bigger and capable of powering much more. These systems are suitable for use in camping, backpacking and for emergency use. The power systems can provide 20 watts or even more, but they still remain quite light. These systems can be used to power notebook computers they can charge any equipment even when it’s cloudy.
This panel is capable of providing a lot of power, this means you can run your laptop computer straight off it instead of only using it to charge your battery. Your computer can be used for a long time when using powerful solar power systems. You may need some form of converter in order to power certain notebooks. Using solar power to charge your battery will keep your batteries in good condition.
All you need to do is move the portable solar panels with you, when you want to use power just set them up and plug it in. There are a number of great features that solar systems can be used for. It can be thrown into any bag with a seconds notice, it can be used in your car or while you are out in a park. One thing for sure is this system will ensure that your gadgets will have power wherever you are.

About the Author
The magazine writer Greg Hansward is especially interested in topics associated to home improvement. You can find his writings on kitchen cabinet problems at different sources for kitchen cabinet areas knowledge.

Solar Yard Lighting is the Environmental Way to Light Your Yard by T. Houser

Have you been thinking of beautifying your yard with some solar yard lighting? It is a great way to finish off the landscaping without running cables all over the yard or digging trenches to bury them. These lights do not require any cabling and are easy to install anywhere you want as long as they get direct sunlight throughout the day. At night, they will automatically illuminate your backyard. There is no need to remember to turn them off or on.
During the daylight hours, the panel on the top of the solar yard lighting converts the sunlight into electricity and recharges the Nicad batteries in the light. The battery is designed to last for several years however, they do start to deplete afterwards. The AA battery is replaceable though and available anywhere that sells them. Many styles are available on the market today to meet the needs and demands of homeowners. You can find styles that are attachable to walls or posts. Of course, the kind that you simply stick in the ground is still the most popular with consumers.
The advancement of technology has allowed for smaller and stronger cells for solar yard lighting. Many people complained that the older style was not very strong or bright; however, the features, styles and light output of the new ones have people considering trying the new styles out now. One reason for the improvement is the change from incandescent bulbs to LED, fluorescent and halogen bulbs, which are all brighter.
The most efficient solar yard lighting consists of the ones that utilize LED bulbs. They have proven to provide the most hours of light during the night. They are also effective for marking walkways and providing accent lighting in a garden or yard.
If you require lighting for security purposes then the best option is a combination LED and halogen style. When night comes, an electric eye will automatically switch on an accent LED. If motion is detected within twenty feet of the light, a bright halogen light turns on for three minutes to frighten off any intruders. If you are a camper then you can find lanterns and flashlights with similar solar technology are available.
Solar yard lights consist of a plastic case, a solar cell on the top, a single AA Nicad battery, a small controller board and an LED light source. In addition, they include a photoresistor in order to detect darkness. This type of lighting is really quite dependable. It is never too cloudy to collect and store energy. There is practically no maintenance involved, once you install that is pretty much it until the batteries need replacing.

About the Author
Take a minute and visit our site for all your outdoor lighting needs including solar yard lighting and outdoor rope lights . by T.D. Houser

Solar Energy & Photovoltaics by David Tanguay

Solar energy is energy that is harnesses from the Sun. The technologies harness the sun's incredible energy for practical ends. Solar power plants use a variety of methods to collect sunlight and convert this energy into electricity.
While the use of solar energy has been used for millennia, it’s potential has only been recognized within the past few decades{readmore}, when it played an essential part in the success of early commercial satellites. After the Solar energy collected, it is most often stored as heat in the thermal mass of buildings, however batteries, water tanks, and other storage facilities can be used to store energy in thermal and chemical forms.
Solar energy provides an energy efficient and environmentally friendly power source and it has satisfied the demands of activists for an eco-friendly world. Solar energy has also become an attractive solution to global warming.
Solar energy is the solar radiation that reaches the earth. The technologies have great potential to benefit our nation because it can be used in both large-scale applications and in smaller systems for the home.
Solar energy has many different advantages over conventional energy; The biggest one being that the energy from the sun is virtually free after the initial cost has been recovered.
Photovoltaic is a process where solar cells directly convert sunlight into electricity. Solar energy collected in photovoltaic cells can be used to produce electricity for a number of uses, including: remote area power supply systems such as remote farms or in national parks electricity supply in urban areas electric fencing and telecommunications.
Photovoltaic energy is the conversion of sunlight into electricity through a photovoltaic (PVs) cell, commonly called a solar cell. This process is gaining credence among private investors as having the potential to grow into the next big industry.
Photovoltaic cells, like batteries, generate direct current (DC), which is generally used for electronic equipment. The photovoltaic cells that convert sunlight directly into electricity and are made of semiconductors such as crystalline silicon or various thin-film materials.
Photovoltaics can provide tiny amounts of power for watches, large amounts for the electric grid, and everything in between. It is an incredible procedure that may very well end our dependence upon fossil fuels.
Photovoltaic systems provide a unified solution, bringing power to these that need it, while making a moderate but important contribution to climate protection.

About the Author
David Tanguay is dedicated to providing research, reviews & helpful information to consumers and businesses. For more information related to Green Energy and Renewable Energy please visit http://greenenergyonline.org/

New Nano Technology Touts Solar Solution by Jason Witt

When you receive the Seal you will begin to care about the environment. A new technology is being developed that may greatly help preserve the environment by making efficient and cheap solar power a reality.
The technology makes use of nanotechnology--the production of material at very small sizes. The material is called "Nano Flakes," which are tiny crystals that absorb all the light from the sun.
The Danish Martin Aagesen found the new material while working on his doctorate degree. He discovered a perfect crystalline nanostructure which he says would make the perfect solar cell.
Solar power is plagued by high cost of production and inefficiency in turning sunlight into energy. This technology promises to change all that, greatly reducing costs and much more efficiently transferring the sun's energy.
The costs in production of solar cells can be reduced because less of the silicon semiconductors are needed. That is achieved by the use of nanotechnology.
And the new solar cells will be much more efficient because the energy does not have to travel as far in the solar cell so less of the energy will be lost in the process.
Martin Aagesen says that solar cells using nano flakes may be able to capture 30 percent of the energy in the sunlight. That is twice as much as today's solar cells are converting.
This new discover opens up a world of promise--a Heaven of promise--for solving the problem of pollution from energy. Solar cells operate virtually pollution-free day in and day out.
It means that a lot more electricity can be produced from solar cells since it will be much cheaper to produce the solar cells. So they will cost less to buy while they work better at the same time.
Martin Aagesen is the director of Sunflake Inc, the company that is developing these Nano Flakes and hoping to put them into production. The website of the company tells a little more about the technology.
The substrate is the material the process happens on. Relatively little solar-grade material is needed to produce the Nano Flakes, saving considerable money in the manufacturing process.
And there is no need for a lattice-matched substrate, which is needed for the older and less efficient versions of solar cells. The new substrate does not need any solar-grade material to produce it.
When you are sealed you will begin to care about the environment. You will begin to understand that excessive pollution is unhealthy for the earth and the people living on it.
You may not be a scientist who has made a discovery like this Martin Aagesen. But you can take action. You can look for new products like these new solar cells when they are available to the public.
You could power all the electricity needs for your house with these solar cells. That way you would not use electricity that is produced by generating any kinds of toxic or dirty waste, like nuclear or coal.
When you are sealed God will show you how to care for the environment. He will plant a little garden in your soul so you will be just like a little fertile earth. And as an earth you will not want to pollute yourself when you receive the Seal.

About the Author
And now Jason would like to invite you to get your FREE report Are You Making These Mistakes as a Christian? and "Get God's 'Seal of Approval' and Get the Victory Over Evil" Jason Witt

The New SunCell by Ecopowered Solutions by Kip Stringfellow

EcoPowered Solutions and the new SunCell
EcoPowered Solutions has recently launched a new renewable energy product called the SunCell. The SunCell is a portable solar charger that has an internal lithium ion battery and also a built-in LED flashlight. With the 16 connector tips that are included with the product, the SunCell can be used to recharge other devices like cell phones, iPods, PDAs, GPS systems, MP3 players, Bluetooth devices, digital cameras, and portable DVD players. The SunCell has twice the battery capacity as other leading solar chargers on the market and it can recharge an average sized cell phone battery three times before it needs to be recharged. It only weighs .5lb/.225kg and easily fits into one hand, making it extremely portable and travel-friendly. The SunCell’s internal battery can be recharged from the energy generated by its solar panels, enabling users to recharge their other electronic devices anywhere in the world from solar energy. If no sunlight is available, the SunCell can also be recharged by plugging it into an included electrical outlet adapter or a computer USB port. It is perfect for people with an active lifestyle who care about integrating renewable energy into their everyday lives. The SunCell can be purchased online from www.ecopowerlife.com. EcoPowered Solutions is also deeply committed to developing socially responsible uses for renewable energy. As a part of the company’s mission, there is a program that allows people to make a difference by donating money through the company’s website. The money is then used to donate SunCells to education and health organizations in developing countries where they can make a life-changing impact for those with no access to electricity.

About the Author
Kip Stringfellow is the owner of Ecopowered Solutions. A new company which offers the new solar charger called the SunCell. His dedication and passion make the SunCell an item to cherish for years to come, while at the same time helping your enviornment.

Beneficial Savings when Installing Solar Power by Linden Walhard

Many people are interesting in looking after the planet, one way of doing this is to convert your home to run on solar power. This is also a really good way to save money on utility bills. Most people are tempted with the idea until they realize just how expensive it will be to install such a system. As of 2007 there is only one home that runs completely on solar and hydro power, that's hardly a lot now is it? Solar power is a sensible option for people that want to save the environment while still being able to use their favorite gadgets.
Going Down?
The cost of installing solar panels has decreased ever since the 70's, they continue to fall every year. Many companies are starting to supply solar panels. The best way to work out the solar power cost is to work out an estimated cost per watt. Back in 1982, the cost per watt was $27. In 2003 it was $4 per watt, and it's still falling.
The cost of installing the solar panels to start off with is also falling. Lots of states will help out with the cost by offering tax breaks. This is especially true in California. Even in New York there are incentives for environmentally friendly power generators. Taxes and rebates are changing on a regular basis, as a result of this you must check with your local department of energy before installing the panels.
You don't have to just use Solar Power
Converting your home to run completely on renewable forms of energy is extremely difficult. It may be impossible for some homes to do this reasonably. You don't have to convert your whole home to run on solar power, every little bit helps. Solar power can be used to run individual appliances, or even small gadgets including cell phones and calculators. You can even sell your solar power back to the power company, which beats using batteries!
The reason that more companies aren't using solar power is because it's not as efficient and easy as other forms of generating electricity. You require huge areas of space to install solar panels. Recently the size of the cells has decreased which makes it possible to get more energy from less space.

About the Author
Linden Walhard publishes mainly for http://www.insidewoodworking.com , an internet site about drywall installation , drywall repair and other ideas. With his writings like http://www.insidewoodworking.com/drywall/howtoinstalldrywall.html , he expressed his experience on issues similar to how to do drywall installation.

Solar Yard Lighting Ideas by Tom Houser

If you have a backyard chances are that you have thought about using solar yard lighting to provide night illumination. A big advantage with them is that there is no wiring running across your lawn, which could cause people to trip. The main thing to consider is that your yard must get direct sunlight during the day to charge the lights. They generate and store power during the day and then when the sun has gone down they release it, which is very similar to how a satellite works.
Solar yard lighting consists of a plastic case, a solar cell on the top, an AA Nicad battery, a small controller board, an LED light source and a photoresistor to sense darkness. Many homeowners use these types of lights for safety reasons. They may have a very dark or dangerous pathway or set of stairs that needs nighttime illumination. Since they do not require electrical power, you do not have to worry about them not working during a power failure.
The sensors that are a part of solar yard lighting is able to tell the onset of nightfall and daybreak, which means they automatically turn off and on without any intervention by the homeowner. This is a good feature as it allows your yard to be lit whether you are home or not.
There are other types if solar yard lighting that run off of one solar panel. The panel must be in the sun while not all lights running off it need to be in the sun, you can have some in the shade if you wish. These alternative energy sources are very popular now and they save people money and are much better for the environment. If you have never considered this form of outdoor lighting then it is time you joined the cause.
Solar yard lighting adds beauty to your landscaping as well as providing a safe walking area at night. People use these lights to illuminate statues, water fountains and flower gardens as well. The cost of purchasing these lights has diminished over the last few years making them an even better investment now. They are also quite simple to use and require little effort to install.
Solar yard lighting must be charged long enough to provide adequate nighttime lighting. The improvements in batteries and solar cells have made it easier to find an acceptable location to charge during the day. When searching for the proper lighting to meet your needs make sure you get the information on how long the charge lasts. Some lights stay on longer than others do. This form of lighting is not as bright as traditional outdoor lighting. Some people may find this to be a disadvantage but it really depends on your own specific needs when it comes to lighting an area at night. It is ideal for setting a relaxing and subtle mood in your yard. Many retail outlets now sell these types of lighting systems. Online stores also offer different types of solar lighting as well.

About the Author
Take a minute and visit our site for all your outdoor lighting needs including solar yard lighting and outdoor rope lights . by T.D. Houser

Solar Power Can Save The Environment, And Your Money by Linden Walhard

Many people are interesting in looking after the planet, one way of doing this is to convert your home to run on solar power. This is also a really good way to save money on utility bills. Most people are tempted with the idea until they realize just how expensive it will be to install such a system. As of 2007 there is only one home that runs completely on solar and hydro power, that's hardly a lot now is it? Solar power is a sensible option for people that want to save the environment while still being able to use their favorite gadgets.
Going Down?
The cost of installing solar panels has decreased ever since the 70's, they continue to fall every year. Many companies are starting to supply solar panels. The best way to work out the solar power cost is to work out an estimated cost per watt. Back in 1982, the cost per watt was $27. In 2003 it was $4 per watt, and it's still falling.
The cost of installing the solar panels to start off with is also falling. Lots of states will help out with the cost by offering tax breaks. This is especially true in California. Even in New York there are incentives for environmentally friendly power generators. Taxes and rebates are changing on a regular basis, as a result of this you must check with your local department of energy before installing the panels.
You don't have to just use Solar Power
Converting your home to run completely on renewable forms of energy is extremely difficult. It may be impossible for some homes to do this reasonably. You don't have to convert your whole home to run on solar power, every little bit helps. Solar power can be used to run individual appliances, or even small gadgets including cell phones and calculators. You can even sell your solar power back to the power company, which beats using batteries!
The reason that more companies aren't using solar power is because it's not as efficient and easy as other forms of generating electricity. You require huge areas of space to install solar panels. Recently the size of the cells has decreased which makes it possible to get more energy from less space.

About the Author
Linden Walhard continually produces articles on areas similar to drywall installation and drywall repair. His contributions on how to do drywall installation are published on his site .

Six Easy Steps To Estimate Cost of a Solar Power System by Cooler Planet

Solar power energy systems are not inexpensive. That said it's important to compare them within context of other types of home improvement projects. Home buyers and realtors view a solar photovoltaic or solar hot water heating system as a significant value-added improvement - similar to adding a deck or remodeling your kitchen. Plus unlike a deck or kitchen remodel, you also gain one-up on your power bills.
Solar power systems often get an additional financial boost as well: many jurisdictions and utilities across the USA offer attractive financial incentives to drive down the upfront capital costs associated with a solar power system.
Here are some foolproof ways to estimate the cost of a solar photovoltaic or solar thermal system and to figure out if a solar energy system makes sense for you. Let's start with a home photovoltaic (PV) system.
Step 1: Estimate your home's electricity needs
To get started, it's good to have a sense of how much electricity you use. You'll have a better point for comparison if you find out how many kilowatt hours (kWh) you use per day, per month, per year. Your utility bill should include that information.
Of course, the utility bill will also display your costs and many utilities include a graph that displays how your monthly energy use/cost varies throughout the year. That helps you estimate where your highest energy use is and at what time of year.
New Home Construction
If you are constructing a new home, then you'll need to estimate your demand based on the type of equipment you plan to install and your home's square footage. The pross call this "your load".
To figure out your anticipated load, create a table to record the watt use for each appliance. Each appliance - be it a water heater, electric light, computer, or refrigerator - should have a nameplate that lists its power rating in watts. Or you can get the information from the manufacturer's website.
Some labels list amperage and voltage only; to obtain watts multiply the two together (amperage x voltage = watts). In another column, record the number of hours each appliance is expected to operate. Then multiple the watts and hours together to estimate watt-hours used per day. Since it's hard to anticipate all electric loads (it may get tedious scouting out every toothbrush and mobile phone cell charger), you might want to add a multiplier of 1.5 to be safe.
Step 2: Anticipate the future
In 2005, average residential electricity rates across the USA ranged from about 6 to nearly 16 cents per kilowatt hour depending on where you lived. Average retail and commercial electricity rates have increased roughly 30% since 1999 and the upward trend will likely continue especially as costs for the coal and hydropower used to generate that electricity rise as well. So think about your home electricity needs and present and future cost in relation to one another.
Step 3: How much sun do you get?
The Florida Solar Energy Center has conducted a study to examine how a 2-kW photovoltaic system would perform if installed on a highly energy efficient home across the continental USA (http://www.fsec.ucf.edu/en/publications/html/FSEC-PF-380-04/). The study accounted for all factors that impact a PV system's performance such as the temperature effect on the photovoltaic cells, the amount of sun peak hours in various regions, and the efficiency of inverter to convert solar derived energy from DC to AC.
As the study implies, solar photovoltaic systems work just about anywhere in the US. Even in the Northeast or in "rainy Seattle", a pv system can pencil out if designed and installed properly. In New York or New Jersey, a one kilowatt system should produce about 1270 kilowatt hours of electricity per year, in Seattle, a one kilowatt system should produce about 1200 kilowatt hours per year. In the Southwest, of course, those ratios will be much greater.
Solar contractors in your area can help determine the best size for your solar photovoltaic system.
Step 4: Size your system
In general, solar photovoltaic systems sized between 1 to 5 kilowatts are usually sufficient to meet the electricity needs of most homes. One advantage of grid-tied systems is that you can use solar PV to supplement or offset some of your electricity needs; therefore you can size your system to match your budget and always add to the system later if needed.
Also as a side note, here's a rule of thumb to remember to help you estimate the physical space your PV system might need: one square foot yields 10 watts. So in bright sunlight, a square foot of a conventional photovoltaic panel will produce 10 watts of power. A 1000 watt system, for example, may need 100 - 200 square feet of area, depending on the type of PV module used.
Step 5: Know your rebates
Many states and local jurisdictions offer rebates, tax credits and other types of incentives to homeowners for installing residential photovoltaic and solar domestic water systems. To view a comprehensive database of the incentives available for renewable energy visit http://www.dsireusa.org.
At the Federal Level, you can take advantage of a 30% tax credit (of up to $2,000) for the purchase of a residential solar system at least until December 31, 2008.
Step 6: Run the numbers
Although the cost for a solar PV system will depend on the size of the system you intend to install, your electricity rate, the amount of kilowatt hours you expect to generate, and the state/local rebates/tax credits that may be available, the formulas for calculating the returns are pretty much the same.
For those who appreciate having the formulas, use the ones listed below to do a quick ballpark estimate of how much a solar photovoltaic system might cost you.
Retail Price for Solar Photovoltaic System+ Building Permits- $2,000 Federal Tax Credit- State or Local Tax Credit or Rebate- Utility Rebate or Other Incentive= Net Investment
Kilowatts of electricity generated from PV per yearx Kilowatt hours used per year= Annual Kilowatt energy from the PV system Annual Kilowatt energy from the PV systemx Current Residential Electricity Rate= Annual $$ Saved
Yearly Excess PV Energy Producedx $$ credit applied per watt= Annual Value from Net Metering
Of course, a more accurate assessment can be made by a pro. Work with a solar power contractor to size and price the right system for you. As is true with any major purchase, don't hesitate to ask for several bids from different contractors.
Many solar power providers will provide you with a comprehensive estimate. Helpful information to know includes:
- Total cost to make the system operational (labor cost for design and installation and equipment costs)- Equipment (Make and Model)- Warranty info- Permit costs, if needed- Tax, where applicable- Federal tax credits- State or local jurisdiction tax credits or rebates- Utility rebates- Expected Renewable Energy Certificates or Net metering credits- Expected operation and maintenance costs- Projected savings
Solar Thermal (also called Solar Hot Water)
Solar thermal systems capture the sun's energy to heat water and are one of the most cost-effective renewable energy systems. They are used to heat hot water tanks and/or a heating system. A solar pool heating system is another type of solar thermal system designed specifically to heat a pool or hot tub.
Generally it's worth investigating the economic viability of installing a solar hot water system if you have an electric water heater with utility rates of at least 5 cents per kilowatt hour and have tax credits or rebates available. (It may even be worth changing out a gas-powered water heater if your costs are at least $8/million BTU).
The formulas for costing out a solar water heater system are similar to estimating the cost for installing solar PV system. Many solar energy professionals can help you determine what system might work best for you.
Heating Your Swimming Pool with Solar Power
Although few jurisdictions provide financial incentives for using solar energy to heat a swimming pool or hot tub, in general, using solar power to heat your pool is a "no-brainer" from a return on investment standpoint.
The electricity used to heat a pool during the swimming season often amounts to the same amount of energy that homes-without-pools consume over a year. Combining a solar thermal system to generate heat for the pool with a solar thermal pool cover to retain the heat generated can further maximize efficiencies and extend your swimming season.
Most installers recommend that a solar collector used to heat a pool is sized at roughly half the square footage of your pool surface area. Solar thermal panels typically last 10 - 20 years and come with a 10-year warranty.
How long it takes to break even on the cost of your solar power pool system depends on where you live. In California or other parts of the Southwest, you'll break even in 1 to 3 years but places as "far north" as Canada, a solar pool heating system pencils out over a slightly longer period of time.

About the Author
Find more solar panel, solar power, and solar energy information at Cooler Planet.

Solar Vehicles Are Taking Off: A Biofriendly Transportation Method by Peter Verhoeff

The Panasonic World Solar Challenge, an event held from October 21-28, 2007, consisted of an invitation to design, build and drive a biofriendly vehicle across the vast Australian continent, using only sunlight as fuel. The winning team from Delft Technical University in the Netherlands crossed the 3000 km trajectory from Darwin in the North to Adelaide in the South at an average speed of over 90 km/h. (1)
It was the 20th anniversary of this event and the fourth year in row that the Dutch team has won the race. A similar event, called the North American Solar Challenge is scheduled for 2008, where solar vehicles will “rayce” the 2400 miles from Dallas, Texas to Calgary, Alberta in Canada.
These often futuristic-looking vehicles are not designed as production vehicles and are mostly developed by engineering schools and corporations like GM, Ford and Honda.
Solar vehicles are simple in principle. Sunlight strikes the solar (photovoltaic) cells on the car’s surface, which generates electricity to power the electric motors that turn the vehicle’s wheels. Surplus electrical energy is stored in rechargeable batteries, to be used when less sunlight is available or when extra power is needed, such as to climb hills.
The challenges in designing and building cars that operate on energy from the sun alone are considerable. Since these vehicles use solar power only, efficient design is vital. Weight is kept to a minimum, as are friction and aerodynamic drag. This makes them fragile and lacking in driver comfort. Their future viability depends to a large degree on the cost and efficiency of the solar cells that power them.
Promising developments are occurring in solar cell technology, such as spray-on solar cells that capture infrared energy. There is even the possibility of full-spectrum solar cells that could deliver up to 70% efficiency. This is about twice as efficient as the best photovoltaic cells available today. (2)
Meanwhile, motor vehicles with internal combustion engines are still the norm and technologies that make better use of them will improve the environment, lessen dependence on fossil fuels and limit costs. Biofriendly Corporation is a company whose Green Plus® liquid fuel catalyst causes a more complete burn resulting in reduced harmful emissions, increased torque and improved fuel economy.
(1) http://www.smh.com.au/news/environment/dutch-win-solar-car-race/2007/10/25/1192941227965.html
(2) http://www.lbl.gov/Science-Articles/Archive/MSD-full-spectrum-solar-cell.html

About the Author
Author, Peter Verhoeff, contributes articles on environmental issues for Biofriendly Corporation. More information on these and other topics can be found on the Biofriendly site.

Portable Solar Power Generator - Never Run Out Of Power Again by Adrian Fletcher

I know, it's pretty annoying when your ipod battery is flat only a few hours into a long journey. No music, no audio books, gee you'll have to think of something else to do. Or perhaps it's your cell phone that is the problem, just as you are talking to someone. You hear those dreaded beeps and then the phone goes dead. You'll have to find a phone box somewhere - one that works that is.
I'm guilty as charged. These days I want my entertainment or business ready at the touch of a button. That's probably why I have more gadgets and hand held devices than I care to think about. However they all need power and quite often I forget to charge them fully leaving me stranded. The solution to this problem is to use a portable solar power generator.
Given the increasing awareness of renewable resources, many portable solar generators are been developed. Basically they consist of the same things. There are numerous solar cells that create electricity when exposed to direct sunlight. This is used to charge a battery in the generator. The generator will have one or more power points where a hand held device can be plugged in and utilize the battery's charge.
The best part is that as long as there is some sunlight, your solar generator will always be charged or at least not losing power. Provided there is some sun out, the battery will always be charging. This should mean that whatever hand held device you may be using will always have a potential power source. You'll never be inconvenienced again from lack of power.
If a portable solar generator sounds like something you need then here are a few pointers on selecting one. You should consider the efficiency of the solar cells in the generator. Larger panels will be able to charge a battery quicker. However you don't want the generator to be cumbersome. You need your solar power generator to be similar with regards to size with the portable devices it will be charging. It should be easy to carry round on a belt or in a backpack.
Another factor is the length of time the battery will power a device. A good test of this would be to determine how long a portable dvd player would last using the battery. Obviously the longer time this is the better but again size will be a factor if you want it to be truly portable.
Finally, you should check out what portable appliances can be plugged into the generator and how easy this is. At a base level, it should be compatible with your cell phone and any of personal digital appliances you may have (including a gps device if you do a lot of car traveling). You will probably use it most often with entertainment devices like PSP's , portable dvd players and mp3 players so it should be compatible with these devices too.

About the Author
Get extra details on portable solar power generators visit http://www.solarpowerappliances.com/ . The site also features many other products including solar powered ovens and outdoor lighting.

Using the Sun to Light your home at Night by Grace C.

Using the Sun to Light Your Home at Night
Solar energy is a wonderful source of electricity. It burns clean with little or no pollution into the atmosphere, and it cuts down on our dependence upon other energy sources such as petroleum. Solar energy is, essentially, the process of turning sunlight into electricity.
Ever since the energy crisis and oil embargo of the 1970's, people have at various times tried to find alternative sources of energy. Solar power seemed so obvious, if only we could learn how to harness its power in long-lasting, meaningful ways.
The homebuilding industry has been looking into ways to incorporate more environmentally friendly products into houses for many years. Solar lighting has been one of those items that intrigue people. However, there has just been some question as to the usefulness of solar power in the home.
In the case of garden lighting, for many years, solar lights were very limited in their capacity to store and release energy. This resulted in the manufacture of lights that could only provide a minimum of electricity for a very short duration of time. Solar lights were viewed as sufficient along a pathway or in dark corners of the yard, but were never really thought of as solid design elements - not until fairly recently.
A New Technology
New batteries inside the lighting unit can now store electricity generated by the sun for much longer periods of time. This battery output can last twelve hours or more based upon one day's sunlight accumulation.
Use of LED bulbs in the fixtures, which are five times brighter than standard bulbs, not only burn cleaner, but provide a far superior ability to illuminate. The light from one LED outdoor light can now equal that of a 20-watt lamp.
This has allowed the homebuilding, landscaping, and design industries to take another look at solar lights as design elements.
Easy to Use
Solar lights offer many benefits in terms of their flexibility. There are no wires to be run, no trenches to be dug, no transformer to install, and no permits to obtain. You do not need an electrician to install them.
Placing solar lights really is as easy as taking them out of the box, deciding where to put them, then mounting them with just a bracket and screws.
One of the many beauties of solar lights is the versatility they offer. If you decide to change your landscaping, or when trees and bushes grow over them, you can simply pull them up and reposition them. In as little as a few minutes, you can update your outdoor lighting.
They offer great safety as well. No longer do you need to worry about children getting electrocuted if they dig up wires. Pets and other family members benefit by the enhanced safety solar lights offer.
How Solar Lights Work
There are only a few components that make up a solar light fixture. The outer case, which is usually decorative, surrounds the light bulb. On top of the lighting unit is a solar cell that collects energy from the sun during the day. A small battery in the bottom of the light stores the energy collected from the sun. The battery and light source are connected to a small control board, which is attached to a photoresistor. The photo resistor detects darkness and tells the light when to turn on. Once the light turns on, it will run until it has used all of its stored energy.
The newer power source and brighter lights now mean we will be able to find more ways to incorporate the use of solar energy into our homes and yards.
Solar Effects Outdoors
Until recently, the use of solar lighting for landscape design was very limited. Since the lights could not produce much illumination and would last only a few hours, their inclusion in landscape architecture was almost non-existent.
Recently, however, the market has seen the appearance of solar lights in almost every shape, color, and design. From lanterns and wall-mounted sconces to pillar-top mounts and even spotlights, solar energy is finding its place in the yard.
No matter what your design scheme, solar lights now come in many materials, colors, and styles. Brass carriage lights, metal ground stake lights, sleek ultra-modern spotlights, hanging lights, and deck and step lights all come with solar power.
For those hard to light shady areas, there are now sets complete with a solar panel. All you have to do is ensure the solar panel receives sufficient sunlight, and the garden lights connected to it can be placed anywhere - even in the shade.
Examine Before You Buy
If you have any question as to the effectiveness of solar lighting in your yard, you can view demonstrations at your local home show or home and garden center. Examine the various types of lights and compare their light sources and battery storage systems. The manufacturer or sales associate should be able to tell you how many watts of light and how many hours of use you should be able to expect from a particular solar light.

About the Author
Author Resource
Grace C. provides information on the Solar Lights for A1 Outdoor Lighting - Illuminate your home!

Investment into Alternative Energy Research and Development by Jerry Durham

This article has been written with the intention of providing some enlightenment on Alternative Energy. Please read and inform us as to whether you have been enlightened or not.
The US government must continue to back the expansion of the role of alternative energy research and development and its implementation by companies and homeowners. Although this writer believes in the reign of the free market and that “that government is best which governs least”, our current system has companies and people expecting federal backing of major initiative with direct investment, in the form of tax breaks, rebate incentives, and even direct central bank investment into the alternative energy industry.
Whenever one reads anything about Alternative Energy, it is vital that the person enjoys reading it. One should grasp the meaning of Alternative Energy, only then can it be considered that the reading is complete.
Producing such an interesting anecdote on Alternative Energy took a lot of time and hard work. So it would be enhancing to us to learn that you have made good use of this hard work on Alternative Energy!
The more readers we get to this article on Alternative Energy, the more encouragement we get to produce similar, interesting articles on Alternative Energy for you to read. So read on, and pass it to your friends.
The US and its citizenry need to invest all of the time and energy that they can spare to the conversion from a fossil fuel burning society to one that is green for several different reasons. The green economy will not harm the environment or the quality of our air like fossil fuel burning does. We can become the energy independent nation that we need to be by cutting away our need to import oil, especially oil that is produced by anti-American nations such as Iran. Ultimately, renewable energies and extremely efficient energies like atomic energy are far less expensive than the continuous mining and drilling for fossil fuels. If we do not invest in our future now, catastrophe awaits us. We are going to need to consume more energy than ever in our history as we sail into the 21st century and beyondâ€"our dependency on foreigners for meeting these energy needs only leaves us open to sabotage while draining our coffers in order to fill other nations'.
Isn't it amazing how much information can be transferred through a single page on Alternative Energy? So much stands to be gained, and to lose, about Alternative Energy through a single page.
The information available on Alternative Energy is infinite. There just seems to be so much to learn about, and to write about on Alternative Energy.
It can be argued that federal, state, and local governments should work in conjunction on the issue of alternative energy research and development and implement mandatory programs for new home construction and all home remodeling that stipulate the installation of alternative energy power sourcesâ€"eventually over a certain period of years transforming into 100% installation of alternative energy sources for any new home or corporate buildingâ€"as well as backing a similar program to have all new vehicles produced in the nation be hybrid vehicles or hydrogen fuel cell powered vehicles by the year 2020. All levels of government could also impose mandatory compliance laws on construction and utilities companies. The utility companies in all 50 states should be required to invest in alternative energy research and development while also being required to buy back, at fair rates, excess energy produced by homeowners through their use of alternative energy power sources. Strong financial incentives need to be in place for new companies to invest in developing renewable energies. This would not only make the US energy independent at the fastest possible rate, but it would stimulate the growth of the economy and provide tens of thousands of new, good-paying jobs for people.
People have an inclination of bragging on the knowledge they have on Alternative Energy. However, we don't want to brag on what we know on Alternative Energy, so long as it proves useful to you, we are happy.
Alternative energy generation in the forms of solar, wind, hydroelectric, biofuel, geothermal, and atomic; alternative energy storage systems such as more efficient batteris and hydrogen fuel cells; and alternative energy-furthering infrastructures with superior energy efficiency all need to be brought into the affordable price range through development. Government investment into these matters would surely help us along.
It would be nice if you could now give us a feedback on this article of Alternative Energy. What do you feel about this article? Is it informative?

Investments in Alternative Energy by Jerry Durham

It was only after some pondering that we came up with an idea of writing about Alternative Energy. This is indeed an article worth reading.
It is possible to have a portfolio which profitably (that's the key word, is it not?) invests in alternative energy funds. “Green” energy production is expected to be a multi-billion (in today's dollars) industry by 2013.
Don't judge a book by its cover; so don't just scan through this article on Alternative Energy. Read it thoroughly to judge the value and importance on Alternative Energy.
Writing an article on Alternative Energy was our foremost priority while thinking of a topic to write on. This is because Alternative Energy are interesting parts of our lives, and are needed by us.
The most recently developed wind-turbine technologies have brought us wind-produced energy which is more cost efficient as well as more widespread. More state-of-the-art wind energy technologies are typically more market competitive with conventional energy technologies. The newer wind-power technologies don't even kill birds like in days of old! Wind energy production is a growing technology, and companies engaged in it would make up an excellent part of a growth or aggressive growth portfolio.
We were rather indecisive on where to stop in our writings of Alternative Energy. We just went on writting and writting to give a long article on Alternative Energy.
Next to consider are solar cell, or photovoltaic cell, technologies. These are to be found implemented in pocket calculators, private property lights, US Coast Guard buoys, and other areas. More and more they find their way onto the roofs of housing and commercial buildings and building complexes. Cost is falling. Their energy efficiency (the ratio of the amount of work needed to cause their energy production versus the actual energy production) is steadily on the rise. As an example, the conversion efficiency of silicon cells has increased from a mere four percent in 1982 to over 20% for the latest technologies. Photovoltaic cells create absolute zero pollution as they are generating electrical power. However, photovoltaic cellls are not presently as cost effective as “utility produced” electricity. “PV” cells are not [capable at present for producing industrial-production amounts of electricity due to their present constraints on space. However, areas where photovoltaic cell arrays could be implemented are increasingly available. In sum, costs are going down while efficiency is rising for this alternative fuel technology.
Many alternative energy investment portfolio advisors are confident that alternative energies derived from currents, tidal movement, and temperature differentials are poised to become a new and predominant form of clean energy. The French are actually fairly advanced at hydro power generation, and numerous studies are being made in Scotland and the US along these sames lines. Some concerns center around the problems with the deterioration of metals in salt water, marine growth such as barnacles, and violent storms which have all been disruptions to energy production in the past. However, these problems for the most part seem to be cured through the use of different, better materials. Ocean-produced energy has a huge advantage because the timing of ocean currents and waves are well understood and reliable.
Reading all this about Alternative Energy is sure to help you get a better understanding of Alternative Energy. So make full use of the information we have provided here.
Investments in hydro-electric technology have grown in the last two decades. Hydro-electric power is clean; however, it's also limited by geography. While already prominent as power generation, the large, older dams have had problems with disturbing marine life. Improvements have been made on those dams in order to protect marine life, but these improvements have been expensive. Consequently, more attention is now being paid to low-impact "run-of-the-river" hydro-power plants, which do not have these ecological problems.
When a child shows a flicker of understanding when talking about Alternative Energy, we feel that the objective of the meaning of Alternative Energy being spread, being achieved.
Quality is better than quantity. It is of no use writing numerous pages of nonsense for the reader to read on Alternative Energy. Instead, it is better to write a short, and informative article on specific subjects like Alternative Energy. People tend to enjoy it more.
The reality is, the energy future is green, and investors would do well to put their money out wisely, with that advice in their minds.
We worked hard to come upon this respectable composition on Alternative Energy. Don’t let these efforts go to vain; use it wisely.