Many people are interesting in looking after the planet, one way of doing this is to convert your home to run on solar power. This is also a really good way to save money on utility bills. Most people are tempted with the idea until they realize just how expensive it will be to install such a system. As of 2007 there is only one home that runs completely on solar and hydro power, that's hardly a lot now is it? Solar power is a sensible option for people that want to save the environment while still being able to use their favorite gadgets.
Going Down?
The cost of installing solar panels has decreased ever since the 70's, they continue to fall every year. Many companies are starting to supply solar panels. The best way to work out the solar power cost is to work out an estimated cost per watt. Back in 1982, the cost per watt was $27. In 2003 it was $4 per watt, and it's still falling.
The cost of installing the solar panels to start off with is also falling. Lots of states will help out with the cost by offering tax breaks. This is especially true in California. Even in New York there are incentives for environmentally friendly power generators. Taxes and rebates are changing on a regular basis, as a result of this you must check with your local department of energy before installing the panels.
You don't have to just use Solar Power
Converting your home to run completely on renewable forms of energy is extremely difficult. It may be impossible for some homes to do this reasonably. You don't have to convert your whole home to run on solar power, every little bit helps. Solar power can be used to run individual appliances, or even small gadgets including cell phones and calculators. You can even sell your solar power back to the power company, which beats using batteries!
The reason that more companies aren't using solar power is because it's not as efficient and easy as other forms of generating electricity. You require huge areas of space to install solar panels. Recently the size of the cells has decreased which makes it possible to get more energy from less space.
Going Down?
The cost of installing solar panels has decreased ever since the 70's, they continue to fall every year. Many companies are starting to supply solar panels. The best way to work out the solar power cost is to work out an estimated cost per watt. Back in 1982, the cost per watt was $27. In 2003 it was $4 per watt, and it's still falling.
The cost of installing the solar panels to start off with is also falling. Lots of states will help out with the cost by offering tax breaks. This is especially true in California. Even in New York there are incentives for environmentally friendly power generators. Taxes and rebates are changing on a regular basis, as a result of this you must check with your local department of energy before installing the panels.
You don't have to just use Solar Power
Converting your home to run completely on renewable forms of energy is extremely difficult. It may be impossible for some homes to do this reasonably. You don't have to convert your whole home to run on solar power, every little bit helps. Solar power can be used to run individual appliances, or even small gadgets including cell phones and calculators. You can even sell your solar power back to the power company, which beats using batteries!
The reason that more companies aren't using solar power is because it's not as efficient and easy as other forms of generating electricity. You require huge areas of space to install solar panels. Recently the size of the cells has decreased which makes it possible to get more energy from less space.
About the Author
Linden Walhard continually produces articles on areas similar to drywall installation and drywall repair. His contributions on how to do drywall installation are published on his site .