To be honest I don’t watch television. I catch anything important like segments from the Daily Show and other things on You Tube! But a few nights back a buddy gave me a call. They told me that they were watching TV on Saturday night (please get a life!!) and they were amazed to have a commercial come on (gawd they watch commercials! Not even using Tivo! ) about alternative energy. They told me that they were skeptical at first as they lay there on the couch staring at what they conceived was probably the next environmental campaign for conserving energy, and not an apparently educational 30-second bit. Then they shared with me that the biggest shocker of all, to them, was the last comment and that the commercial sponsor: Chevron. Yes, one of the main culprits in fossil fuels is proclaiming the benefits of alternative energy! My friend was awfully excited. The stated mission of Chevron Energy Solutions is to “to assist customers to use less energy and save money when they do have to buy energy. So in pursuit of this mission, the Chevron subsidiary promotes alternative energy. More precisely, they seek to promote better energy solutions in public institutions and businesses. They accomplish this through the application of projects and research in areas besides fossil fuels. Solar electric and stationary fuel cell technologies are among these projects. THAT IS TO SAY THAT THIS IS THE STORY THAT THEY TELL PEOPLE! “As a group of scientists, project manager, energy managers and analysts, Chevron Energy Solutions harnesses the power and professionalism of the environmentally friendly industries - all in its quest to advance alternative energy and technology. This Chevron underling is out to not only salvage natural resources in the production of energy, but to lower toxic emissions too. This is achieved through the reduction in demand for electricity that would otherwise be produced by fossil-fuel power plants.†ARE YOU BELIEVING ANY OF THIS? “Chevron Energy Solutions also claims that it has designed and commercialized alternative energy technologies. These alternatives include fuel cells, as mentioned earlier. They also include photovoltaics and advanced batteries. The company has also stated it is active in hydrogen fuel research and development efforts too. In fact, Chevron is investing three hundred million dollars every year into alternative fuel sourcesâ€. GOTCHA!!! THE STORY IS FALLING APART NOW. I WILL EXPLAIN HOW AFTERWARDS… So what is the real story? Chevron is a , a household name in the petroleum-based energy industry. And, as with any company of that size they are motivated only by the “profit axiomâ€. Therefore, they have more than enough cash to put on a good facade and even construct a big infrastructure so as to provide the appearance of embracing the development of alternative energy. It all appears well and good except for one thing, well, several… 1. Automobiles are manufactured since the mid 1990s with a built in computer system. These computers actually are rigged against getting the gas mileage that they would usually be able to attain! If the automotive and petroleum companies wanted people to get more bang for their buck at the filling station they could reset their computers!! This is a highly illegal action in violation of contracts that these companies have with the EPA and other regulatory agencies regarding fair business practices. 2. A car in 1908 performed 40% better than we get in our cars today. That is on purpose. It couldn’t be any other way! 3. And here is the most important one. The know how to operate automobiles with water-based engines has been around for 90 years! In the last couple of years it has become accessible on the grassroots level via Water4Gas and their open source developments in the area which has enabled many others to participate in moving the technology forward. So Chevron is making billions every year in profit, they let go of a few hundred million to “research†new fuels, meanwhile, they persist in collusion with car manufacturers to place artificial limits on MPG and they purposely fail to recognize the fact that Brown’s Gas, Hydrogen from Water, Hydrogen On Demand and so forth are being used in the car engines of thousands of drivers on the road right now AND they use the image that they are trying to find alternative technologies as a smoke screen and a diversion so that people don’t know that the technology already exists!!! So in the event that you considered that Chevron or any of the vehicle manufacturing companies or petroleum corporations were working in the public interest, now you know. We need a revolution! And we need it today for the sake of our environment. And the technology exists so we can be successful right now!
About the Author
Learn how to increase power and save gas and how to run a car on hydrogen from water which is the best of the ways to increase your gas performance by learning all the SECRETS of Water Car Technology